Over the summer I was pretty busy setting up a new internet radio station. Now we are fully set up and consistenly on the air, I feel I can finally show off our hard work via this blog.
DCR Management & Development
The project is split between me and a good friend (Laurent Duval) as the co-founders of the company... Our named roles are as follows:
Me: Technical Admin, Web Developer & Assistant Promoter
Laurent: General Admin, Bookings Manager & Promotions/Advertisement
When we began to design the station, the first thing i did was to conceptualise the website itself. As I did this the co-founder to DCR (laurent) began to drum up interest on facebook and other networking mediums. This also includes communicating with different artists and getting mixes/releases of them to put within our archives (which would in turn play out within
After I introduced the basic design we then launched the servers and put the first lot of DJs on for a show that went from 7pm to 2am. This gained quite a few listeners and gave us the confidence that the project has potenital.
Designing the site was especially simple because of my past experience within web development, and the lack of advanced coding needed.
The site itself is done with basic HTML and javascript, with iframes supporting changeable features like the shoutbox and the schedule (as its in the format of a calender type document).
Although I, among many others, find iframes to be unstable and not worth using, they were definately needed as such features would be ever changing. Meaning that I could develop and change the code (or document within the code) seperately to the main sites.
The toughest bit of the site has been implementing a flash banner that acts as a slideshow, giving listeners latest news info and artist profiles all linkable to an internal or even external page. This is STILL in development I'd like it looking as good as possible, with smooth transitions and scripts to stop on hover/click ect ect.
DCR General Info
We are a fully licensed station (covering DJ sets with a creative commons license) who aims to bring the world the best in the bass driven, electronica music. We have recruited members within the local music community since going live. There is now over 10 regular DJs, an assistant tech admin and another promoter. We tend to view the project as one that belongs to the community. We are purely non-profit at the moment, and are willing to recruit anyone who is willing to help out for free.
We do have plans to introduce advertisement schemes in the the future, although this is something we want to avoid until we cannot afford to keep the site running without it.
We broadcast 24/7 with the majority being live DJs performing over our relay server, which is rented out from an american company called serverhostingcenter.com who offer out cheap shoutcast (which is a type of encoding used in broadcasting live streams on the web) servers.
So, please, if you like DNB, Dubstep, House, Jungle, Reggae, Garage OR anything else with a thumping bassline, stop by our site @ www.dubconcepts.tk (soon to be a .com as i cant bear the lack of a professional touch that .tk provides).
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